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Nkrumah’s Aspirations Gave Up The Ghost, The Hero We’ve Not Had Again!!

Nkrumah’s Aspirations Gave Up The Ghost, The Hero We’ve Not Had Again. 

The ‘redeemer’ Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah , the red cockerel that fathered the child and yet fed it.
Standing before thousands and proclaiming, “Ghana will be free forever”, he said, “we have a duty to prove to the world that Africans can conduct their own affairs with efficiency and tolerance and through the exercise of democracy”. Indeed his works are a true reflection of a good father and the very best president Ghana ever had because of your visionary nature.

Nkrumah’s led leadership, then led Ghana adopt some social democratic policies and practices. He created a welfare system, started various community programs and established schools.
He did not stay in power for long , yet he made a remarkable and tremendous contributions to the the development of education and other equally important sectors, as many can bear witness to.

Osagyefo’s believe in education and human resource isj one key thing that can aid the growth of Ghana. As part of his goals, he initiated an act of Parliament, Education Act of 1961(Act 87) which currently was replaced. It brought about free and mandatory basic education. He never rested and still introduced a policy to supply free textbooks to school children in 1963.
The visionary man built a number of schools including senior high schools, teacher training colleges, universities and technical institutes. Few among the lot is Mfantsiman Secondary School, Ofori Panyin Secondary School, Kwadaso College of Education, Fosu College of Education, Kumasi Technical Institute, University of Cape Coast, KNUST and University of Ghana.

Dr Kwame Nkrumah’s vision led him to build a number of factories, state owned enterprises, hotel projects and a lot more yet we can only boast of few as a country because successors did manage these things poorly.
We can make mention of some few amongst the lot. Abosso glass factory, Kumasi shoe factory, Komenda sugar factory, Asutuare sugar factory, Bolgatanga rice mill , GIHOC fibre products, Wenchi tomato factory, Kade match factory, Tarkwa Bonfa tyre factory, Bank of Ghana, Ghana Commercial Bank, NIB, Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT), State Insurance Company, Ghana Oil Company (GOIL), VALCO, Labone Estate, Kanda Estates, Osu Ringway Estates, Buokrom Estate, Patasi Estate, Tema Communities, Akosombo Dam , Tema Motorway, Tema Harbour, Adomi Bridge.
He also built quite a number of hospitals, notable among them is the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital, Korlr Bu Teaching Hospital.

Osagyefo has done a lot that we can’t touch on them all. He was a true leader for Ghana and Africa. Some of his legacy’s though lives on , yet his aspiration is lost, dead!!
On this day, we celebrate you hero. Kwame , the father that fed his children.