Dinycee, born Daniel Chidindu Ogiriga, has released his first single of 2024, “Dangerous,” marking his return after a hiatus following his 2022 single, “Hustle.” Describing his musical style as a fusion of Trap and Afrobeats, Dinycee showcases his ability to blend these sounds into a harmonious sonic tapestry.
“Dangerous” celebrates the power and beauty of African women who know their worth, while also highlighting a man’s ability to appreciate that beauty, especially their curves. With this release, Dinycee aims to establish himself as an innovative artist, blending the vibrant elements of Afrobeats with global musical influences.
Dinycee defines his sound as Afro-Romance, inviting new listeners and audiences to join him on a sonic journey like never before, one which sees the singer weave together beautiful melodies which are impossible to resist.