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How To Build A Fanbase From Scratch (7 Ways To Get More Music Fans)

How To Build A Fanbase From Scratch (7 Ways To Get More Music Fans).

What Is A Fan? A true fan is someone who considers something to be a part of who they are a feeling of tribe membership. We yearn to be a part of a group of people whose values and interests align with our own.  You can start from beginning to develop a fanbase of devoted listeners for your music by making an emotional connection.

Before we get into some specific tips for how to build a fanbase and promote your music, learning about the breakdown of your fanbase is the most important thing you can do.

In fact, your fanbase is made up of a pyramid of 3 different categories.

1️. The Sleepers: A sleeper is anyone who has followed you but over time lost the connection, doesn’t see you as much anymore but is still a follower. Your job is to wake them up with killer content on social media.

2️. The Ambassadors: Ambassadors are followers who love you, share your music and spread the word to friends but can’t go to a gig or afford merchandise.

However, they do boost your algorithm on Spotify, Facebook, Djsbase.com, Twitter, Soundcloud, YouTube, Instagram, and any other social media platform. Your job is to keep them happy with amazing new music and content.

3️. The Monetisers: The top tier, These are the most likely to spend money on you with merch, concert tickets, memberships etc… Keep in mind, these are usually the hardest and most expensive people to get in front of, Which is why you need the ambassadors to help you get there.

You need to be aware of who fits into these categories so you know what you need more of and how to find them. The combination of ambassadors and monetisers is the most powerful fanbase you can have.

If you’re wondering how to build a fanbase of loyal followers from nothing, here are my golden rules.

1.Provide Value On Social Media:

Everyone else is advising you to simply “use social media” in order to increase your music’s fan base. However, social media doesn’t merely post a picture from your camera roll at random. How can we add value?

In all honesty, you might as well not bother with social media at all if you’re not going to take the time to generate and post quality material. Nothing is better than poorly thought out content. This is due to the intense rivalry for ordinary content on social media.

You suddenly have far less competition on social media if you accomplish something either better, different, or both. Suddenly, expanding organic reach and gaining admirers are simpler…Everything gets simpler.

Value extends to your online behavior. You cannot simply delete your content and vanish.

Fans want to feel valued in the same way that you do. They respect you enough to share and remark on your music posts, so respond to their comments! Building a fanbase correctly involves demonstrating to fans that they are appreciated and cherished.

Social media music

2.Don’t Take Anyone for Granted:

Never assume anything about someone. You can never predict where it will go.

At this stage, the first actual link always starts one to one. Create a legacy. People like to feel special, never forget that. Show your supporters how much you value them by going above and above. Live it, don’t just pretend to!

Performing an amazing act for a single fan so that everyone may view it, remark on it, respond to direct messages, and more. In order to naturally increase your fan base, you are rewarding people who interact with you and promoting more contact.

Building a fandom that will remain for years to come requires daily legacy creation for your audience.

3. Post Consistently On Social Media:

Showing up regularly and consistently on social media is how to build a fanbase that stands the test of time.

Musicians are the worst at this. When bands and singers release music, it’s always the same story. A barrage of content, videos, behind the scenes shots, songs… and then nothing. This disparity between being super active one day and then a complete ghost the next is a negative step.

People forget easily. If you give them one big swing with a song, they’ll like it and then forget about you if you don’t keep the consistency.

We’re all busy, I get it So what’s the best way to grow on socials when you can’t spend 24/7 on socials organically?

The time ISN’T in the socials. The time is in the creation.⠀

All social media is, is connecting with your fanbase and getting what you’ve created into the world.

When you have to make 50 pieces of content, it feels overwhelming. When you make one piece of content and break it down, it’s less so.

It can be really hard to know what to post and get into a rhythm of providing quality, valuable content to build your fanbase, but consistency is incredibly valued by all social media platforms.Social media comments

4. Play Live Shows:

Live performance is unique. Gigs are a great way to turn someone into a superfan in terms of building a community and genuine connections with others.

How many times have you seen a band perform flawlessly in person before deciding to back them in their endeavors?

Playing any old show is insufficient. If you’re going to make the effort to perform live, you need to give people a reason to come, and when they do, you need to crush it with your captivating stage presence.Guitarist concert band


5. Make Awesome Music:

When we become preoccupied with reaching out to more prospective listeners for our music, it’s simple to overlook this aspect.

However, it helps to write good songs that your fan base will enjoy if you want your music career to take off and want strategies to have your music recognized.

Building a fanbase and making music that more potential fans would enjoy requires being conscious of your audience, their tastes, preferences, and personalities.

Writing and releasing excellent music sounds like common sense when discussing how to gain a following, but it is frequently forgotten.Songwriting session

6. Collaborate With Other Artists:

Trying to build your fanbase alone takes time and can seem overwhelming. Collaborating with other bands, singers, and artists in your niche is a great way to find new fans that would potentially be interested in joining your community.

It’s important to look at collaborations as an opportunity to build more connections, make more friends and strengthen your tribe, not just a quick numbers grab with an influencer boost.

Collaborations can take many forms, from live shows to song features and videos. Give your fans something to enjoy and a purpose behind your crossover.

7.Stay Patient:

Growing your fanbase properly takes time. Take pride in everything you put out into the world and focus on getting better every day with your craft.

This is what gets the growth you’re looking for. This is how people take notice of you and join your community Just 1% a day That’s it. ⠀

So many artists and musicians try and get 300% better in one day, stress out because it’s not going their way, and then end up burning out. The most powerful mindset you could have is knowing that you don’t need to change the world in one day.

It’s consistent actions, consistent behaviors, and small changes that create real progress in making a tribe of dedicated followers and fans. Remember to show up. Build real connections with real people and enjoy the journey.